How bad did i turn out ? I would say, not as bad as any of them foretold.

in Motherhoodlast month

To those whose shoulders we rub edge to edge,
To those whose arms are ever outstretched to catch us in the air
Give them their flowers while you can still see their smiles not when they can see the fluid of your tears when they are six feet beneath the ground.
- Medemausi

At nightfall, the brouhaha sounds of the children (my cousins, nephews,nieces) in my family compound could literally turn one deaf. Back in those days, folklores, night games and cooking seemed to be the item 7 (seven) of each day. However, every playing child had their moms back in the bamboo - made kitchen, getting all wiped and smoked by the fiercely burning woods in the three stones stove.
Tade! get me the salt in the house.
Occasionally, moms would demand an helping hands from their kids, to get things done faster.
Where am i in all of these?
As the day crawls into fade of darkness,my eyes speaks no word than sleep; An early bird i was.This woman you're spoiling this your daughter,
Is it because she is your only daughter?
You see, she would grow up to be an adult who can't get things done by herself.
Every of our neighbors would lashed their tongues as if they were more of a perfect mothers than her.
Truth be told, my mum did spoilt me because around age twelve or thirteen, my first attempt at cooking rice went haywire, my uncle then had to eat the soggy rice like that. Sorrrrrry...................................
Unfortunately for me, my first daughter treatment eased the moment mother conceived another daughter.

Everyone sees him as a tough man but is he truly?
In front of the house, there was a wooden bench,dad would firstly settled there after a long day before he retired inside.
My comfort laid on his laps,i would slowly put my head on his laps and most times, that was where NY night rest began.

Someone recently said I look so much like her? Now,I see why two friends of mine calls me. "Granny".
Grandma's foods were life saver back then.
None of my sibling can say the same because they considered it as " old woman dish"...Smiles.
Keep resting Grandma!

At this juncture, my hand is becoming wary, can i pause this conversation for another day?
Thank you!
Talk to you soon.

© Medemausi

This is my entry for #mayinleo prompt day 12

Pictures Source: Pexel

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