in Motherhoodlast month

Is there a certain age bracket when sex education should kick off?
At what age can i start enlightening my kids about this subject matter?
Is my two year old son not too young to be taught this?
Well, no kids is too young but i can however say kids can become too old to be desensitized when they aren't catch young so,the earlier you start doing it the better.
More so, when talking about sex education the following should be put into consideration.

Self Exploration Age (0-2 Years): At this stage, the child consciously and gradually becomes aware of his or her body through training and teachings from his or her parents most especially, the mother. Parents should put in the work of talking clearly or plainly about the sexuality of their kids and also desist from using self customized words to call their sex organs.

Curiosity Age (3-5 Years): Kids tends to ask way too many questions at this stage, always try to make sure their questions are well attended even when the questions sounds irrelevant, embarrassing and incomprehensible.
Just imagine your kid asking you, why he has only has a nipple on his chest instead of a full breasted fatty chest,you now understand what i'm trying to say right?

Sexual Self Conscious Age ( 6 -8 Years): This stage is also called the gender identity period. Females get more acquainted with the natural gender role they are to play in the home and society at large. At this period, the girl associate themselves more to motherly duties and vice versa. However, parents should try not to stretch the respective gender roles of their kids.

Awakening Age (9-12 Years): Sexuality education is advised to formally kick off first at home then, the school can take care of it rest of it.
I remembered vividly how i thought my skirt got stained with palm oil when i first saw my mensuration until my mother told me otherwise.
Kids should be taught the likely bodily changes that will eventually occur in their body so they can be mentally and emotionally prepared.
Imagine! palm oil and red blooded menses,how do they relate?

Rapid Sexual Development Age (13-19 Years): Feelings, love, sexual urges, relationships, crush, dating, infatuation. All of these should be independently treated though they're somewhat interwoven.
Carefully tell them all they need to know, don't try to selectively choose your words.
Be attentive to your kids because that apparently shows you care.
When it shows you care that's when they're likely to air every tiny little thing that occur to them to you.

© Medemausi

Pictures sourced from Pexel.


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