I'm tired and it's okay!

in Motherhoodlast month

Hello motherhood community!

This blog is not about complaining my life as a mother but I just wanna share to you on how is me everytime my kids are sick.We all know that being a mom is not easy especially when our kids get sick and it will makes us to feel weak but we need to keep stronger so we can take care of them.

I may look so stressed and tired but it's okay ,I still can manage to smile.

Last day ,it was Tuesday the heat index temperature reach 47degrees,it was so hot.
My son's uncle who's my son school service ,who take and fetch him to school had some errands on that day so he asked me to fetch my son.

Anyway ,my brother in-law asking our help for his monthly payment for his motorcycle so he offered to take and fetched my son in school.

Since he had some errands ,I will be the one who will fetch him.I did'nt expecting that they will go home earlier from the usual time which is 11:30am.
I hurriedly went to school walking under the hot sun .A few steps aways from the house ,I saw my son walking without any sun protection.I always put a cap in his bag and keep reminding him to wear it when he got home but then he was not using it.

He was wet with his sweats and telling me that their classes ended earlier.

I let him changed clothes and have him water.In the afternoon ,he don't have classes coz it's the opening salvo in our Barangay for the coming fiesta.
He keeps playing with his younger brother and then it was around 4 in the afternoon he asking me if he can take a bath coz were going to have dinner in my in-law's house and I said yes to him.

So yesterday's morning ,when I wake him up he was so hot and I felt so worried ,so I gave him water and medicine.I did'nt allow him to school as he was having a fever.

From time to time I checked him ,he even does'nt want to eat and feels weak.

I convinced him to eat even in a small amount but everytime he was coughing ,he vomited and that's makes me feel to worried for him.


This night I don't have enough sleep as I keep monitoring him .I feels sleepy but I need to do my house chores at the same needed to take care of my kids.

He feels fine but then a few hours he feels weak again and that makes me to feel so worried and overthink.
I was thinking different possible reasons for his fever but it maybe because of the hot weather as what other kids experienced .

What I did is keep monitoring him ,gabe him more water and wipe his body with a wet towel.

Thanks God that he feels better now and I keep praying that he will be totally healed from fever.


Glad that he is doing well na. Nako both of you rest if needed especially the heat that we are experiencing nowadays it is terrible!

Each time that we go outside during noon, our energy's depleted already.

Drink water lagi and stay hydrated!

It's quite a humbling experience to acknowledge we are human after all and we need to unwind

If the sun is stronger than usual! You have to take precautions when going out. I hope your son gets better, and that you can rest. May your days be better in the name of God.