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RE: El inicio del destete[ESP-ENG]

in Motherhood2 years ago (edited)

Weaning a baby is not easy , I have been in this situation twice and I literally cried with my baby..lolz
My 3rd son is 1 year and 4 months, though we are still on Breastfeeding for now.

since I have been exclusively breastfeeding for almost two years,

Weldon for nursing your baby up to this stage, you are a super mom 💕❤️. I must confess that it's not easy, however I wanted to be sure of this statement. Do you mean you have been exclusively breastfeeding your baby for almost 2 years??

I am asking because exclusive breastfeeding means that baby takes only breast milk without water nor other baby food and according to WHO, it is recommended that we breastfeed exclusively for 6 months and then introduce other solid food along side with breast milk for 2 years.