in Motherhood5 months ago




Have a great day dear hivers, today I will be sharing our trip, me and my two sons. We are going to Golden Manok, located at Laaw, Borbon Cebu.
But before anything else I have to prepare some food for my kids. David woke up first, so I ask him to take a bath first before eating cereals.


Kevler finished taking a bath so I ask his brother to change him while I am still preparing things. As a mother, I don't want to leave the house dirty, but if I leave the house not really that clean it is maybe I already need to go. But if I'm not in a hurry I make sure that everything is okay before I or we leave.

Turning off the water and also with the electricity, I want to turned off also. I dont want to come back inside the house unorganized. Most of the time, wash the dishes,the bathroom,some laundry I have to segregate, sweep the floor, fold and arrange beddings, no leftover foods,etc.


Sad to say, bus is full so I have to stand up and the kids in the floor. David feel dizzy during the ride and I am worried because I was not able to bring white flower. He feels like vomiting🥺






We already reached the William's Nature Park and probably I have to pay via gcash for now because got no cash in my pocket aside from fare. 65.00 as the entrance for adults, 50 pesos for David and Kevler as free. I advise that if you have kids below four years ol, you must come to William's Nature Park to enjoy the free entrance😆😆

As we are ready to go up, David then check the view and ask me if they out water in the thing in there like swimming pool and told him I don't know😅 I mean maybe it will be like a pool after a heavy rain😆



To start, we have to climb up there and enjoy some of the views from up. Kevler and David enjoyed the swing so much that Kevler cried when I asked him to go down already and check other views here.






Rest time, as I grow older I do have hard times when it comes to activities like this. But I still want to try, I love it when I sweat, I love to hike and I love outdoor activities too.




Kevler tried to ride in the lion as he is exploring everything there. He loves the swing much with David as his companion that he don't want to go home.







For me, being a mother is the most rewarding job that anyone can have. Sometimes you want to take rest but then it is a probably a 24-hour journey of learning to become a better mother to your kids. It is difficult based on experience but the great time is when you are together with them and they smile and they laugh.

The time they start to live without you is the hardest for them. It is important we teach them how to be independent so they it will not be a burden to them adjusting when they grow up. I wanted to let them know some of the real life battles when it is already time. I even imagine of bringing them to Taekwondo School😆.

I mean, why not? self-defense is also important, right? There is no specific things they need to practice for as long as you prepare them for the battle in real life situations. Not yet this time, they need more years for them to understand everything.

I want them to grow not to be disappointed how hard life sometimes like what I encounter. When you are weak you are prone to surrender easily. When you are weak you always
cry at the four corners of your house. When you are weak, you will not win life.

Take time to enjoy life, for life is God's given gift. Take care of your own life for you are the only one who is responsible for that. Never abuse what you can do and forget that body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

As I learn that life is a rocky road, I enjoyed the time that I can because I know, in just a glimpse that He want me to rest, then that is the time you cannot taste how sweet life can be when you are alive.


To end up my blog, may you always find time to be with your kids. They are your strength, they are your foundation to be strong when there are typhoons. They are your inspiration for working hard everyday. They are the biggest and the happiest reasons you become you are not before, before you have them. Love them unconditionally, love them more each day.

This will be the end of my blog, hoping you to read some of my blogs, and upvotes if you life and consider reblog sometimes☺️

Thank you dear hivers, and have a wonderful day😘


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Another wonderful thank you to you @hivebuzz ...

That's great @psyreb55! You're doing a great job on Hive! We keep cheering you on for your next goal!

Indeed, quality time is necessary for us as parents.

very right jud miss @annetimistic is really important

Nice place, I can see that your kids enjoyed their time with you ma'am 💙
Now I miss my mama🥺

I have to give time to them because if I will be busy I will miss them and time will not go back anymore ..If I am away I always miss them

yeah..they had a great time

Their smile is so cute maam☺️💙

Yes mam @jayceethedreamer ..priceless jud for me mam oy...very inspiring kiddos

I will always miss their smiles and laughters mam when I am away, like this time🥲🥲

What a nice place❤️Your kids look so enjoyed🙂Glad that you were able to spend time with your kids that's the quality of being a good mother.Thank you for sharing ❤️

hello @lovinglymers, they enjoyed so much specially the swing, dont want to go down or stop the swing🤣🤣

As a mother, we should always have the time to our children even how busy we are, still we must fulfill our duty for them. Seems you had a great time together huh.

Yes @jobeliever, sometimes too busy to take care of them but if you have the time, double it. They will just be kids for hoe many years after that, you will miss taking care of them.

Wow. It's a very nice park. The kids love it for sure. Hoping that my family can visit there too.

Hi @edver143 thank you so much, it is definitely a nice park and I know you too and your family will enjoy☺️

Congratulations my friend @psyreb55 you publications is fantastic

thanks @karlex77 😊😊

thank you so much @canadian-coconut ..I appreciate it🙏🙏🙏

You are like my mother, she will do everything and she always have time for us.☺️ You are one of the best definition of being a mother. Keep safe mo always and to your family 🥰

I will not have time if Im gone so as much as I could, I will☺️☺️

To all those who took time to read my blogs, hopefully you will still be reading some in the future or maybe all☺️☺️ Thank you so much



thanks so much @stayoutoftherz ☺️☺️ I appreciate it po👍👍

Thank you @jeannmazing for the reblog😉

You're welcome, miss @psyreb55! 🥰