Tips for a Tantrum-Free Family Vacation

in Motherhoodlast month

Travelling is one of our best options for relaxing right? Also the best way to take a break from the workaholic life and reduce stress. But when you are travelling with your kids, the trip itself might get stressful!

We all know the pain of travelling with kids. If you aren’t that lucky person, then travelling with your kids can be haphazard. The constant crying and waning in the plane or bus is embarrassing too! What to do to minimize those tantrums? Do you want to bear this tension for the whole trip? Obviously no! So today, I’m here to show some tricks that can work like magic! Let’s go!

When you are up for a long-distance journey, it is hard to keep your child calm for hours. As they find nothing to do, they can’t keep their patients. In this case, storytelling can save your life! Here is how:

Before visiting a new place, explain every little detail about the journey to your kids. Like how you will start the procedure, whether you taking the bus, flight, duration, location, the purpose of this trip everything. Don’t make it boring!



If your kid is taking a flight for the first time then tell in detail about the plane, how it feels like to be inside the plane, the time duration of your flight, the flight attendants, and so on. How are you going to explain? - Make up your own story! Let me give you a demo!

Like while you are feeding your child, start a conversation by saying, “You know, we are going on a big adventure! This time, it will be a big plane journey! Do you know what it feels like inside a plane?! Well, it’s a big mystery!

When you are going to enter a plane, there will be a nicely dressed flight attendant to welcome you (introducing new words). Then she will show you your precious seat. If you get a window seat then the real adventure will begin. You will get to watch everything outside (only bring this part if you really have a window seat :P)..... And like this, you need to explain as much detailed information as possible. Make sure you have the full attention of your kid. You don’t have to finish the travelling story in one day. Extend your travel adventure for a few days.

Also if you are going to a new place then give a brief of that place too. Tell them what kind of activities you are planning to have. The food, people, culture, everything. In a word, make the place familiar to them.

Now when the day finally arrives, you will see all the excitement in the eyes of your kids. S/he will start to find, relate and connect all those details that they heard from you. You don’t need to worry about what your kid is going to do. Now you can finally relax and say goodbye to your kids’ travel fear tantrums.

But if you are taking a long-hour flight, then take your kid’s favorite toys or book as a backup. Make sure how your kid can be productive or active in the journey.

So from now on, you can apply this trick and check if it works or not! Let me know!