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RE: Our Children and Solidarity

in Motherhood3 months ago

Sounds great! Did you know that whenever you share a post in Dreemport, you can go into Earn Dreem and select Comment of the Day and nominate your favourite comment on your post from one of your readers. The nominations are reviewed daily and the best comment is chosen by a Dreemport staff member. If your nomination is the one selected, then both you and your nominee win some Dreem tokens.

Periodically you will see Bounty posts when you start curation. If you choose to read them before you curate and to comment on the posts and use the hashtag 'dreemerforlife in your comment, you will earn some bonus Dreem tokens and one commenter earns a larger Dreem bonus.

It is all about supporting each other in the community :-)


thanks for the information @samsmith1971🤗 it will be very helpful for me and will allow me to keep up to date with dreemport. Today when checking I saw that I have the option to freeze my streak, should I do that, I just submitted new content. I have to select this option because I had days without sending a post to dreemport, today I sent a new one.

You can freeze your streek but you have to purchase a streek freeze for each day that you can't participate so you need to weigh up whether you want to freeze the streek or lost the multiplier and start again :-) It will all depend on what multiplier you are on and how many days you need to freeze and a consideration of what is worth more to you.