My Do's and Dont's of parenthood

in Motherhood2 years ago

Hello beautiful people of Hive,it's been a wonderful month of March and I want to say thank you all for taking out time from your busy schedule to read through my posts and thank you for making the month of March very engaging,I learnt alot from your responses.

Today, I wish to end this month with an advice to alot of parents out there.


As we all know, we now live in a world that's evolving so fast and alot of parents have lost track of time and touch with family, especially family time between them and their busy schedule.

We are now in a world were we leave our kids in the mercy of Nannies who teach them only God knows what in our absence.
Some parents go as far as putting CCTV cameras around their homes so as to monitor proceedings.
But is that enough?


What about what your 2 years old child watches or is exposed to on television in your absence? we now have adult cartoons, circular songs, movies,etc.

I believe in our homes alot of us have decoders of different kinds.
And statistics has shown that alot of parents do not put code for the PG Lock. They just subscribe every month just to keep their kids engaged and entertained at home, but never monitoring what the kids spend time watching.

Alot of programs these days compromise kids, like vulgar languages,bad attitude, how to avenge when offended being portrayed, gun blazing movies, adult cartoons with harsh words, half naked girls twerking in music videos some adverts too, etc.

These programs has to be locked in by parents.

While you're out there chasing money to take care of your home, your innocent child is being violated by adult programs on television.

How to lock such programs does not take up to 10 minutes to put a lock on such programs.

If you really love your family, you have to monitor what goes into the mind of your child or children as the case may be.

This is why you see the high rate of same sex practice, gangsterism, unwanted pregnancies, cultism, you name it.

A child learns a thing per time.
This is why when they are not at home,they log on to various apps on their devices and follow up with the behavior.

I was walking past a section of the hospital during one of my wife's antenatal days, a mother was beckoning on her child, guess what, that child shouldn't be more than 3years old and as soon as the mom called the child, in public, what we heard was "LEAVE ME ALONE STUPID".

My ears popped, I looked around to be sure others heard same thing I heard, unfortunately, everyone did and out of shame, the mother got up and smacked the child.

The word "STUPID" is a very heavy word to be used by a child, now the question is: HOW DID THIS CHILD KNOW EXACTLY WHERE TO USE THE WORD?

This brings us again to the kind of words and languages we use in the presence of our children.

Children grasp things especially words that comes out of our mouth so fast that it will amaze you when they replicate such words by making a sentence or responding to you.
Let's also get rid of the "OH HE'S OR SHE'S JUST A BABY" syndrome.


Correct that child on the spot and in love too do not wait for what he or she said to sink in or digest because at the moment that child made that statement,the child is expecting a reaction from you and when you do not react accordingly, that child sees no wrong in the use of such words.


Try to be your child's best friend, it helps alot. A child is an open book when you have won his or her trust.

They're eager to tell you everything that happened in school or at home each day.

As soon as your child begins to recite parts of the body, you gradually start educating that child on sex education, else he or she will get the wrong orientation out there, from a total stranger and you find out that your child will start hiding informations from you because you as the father or mother never taught him or her.

Remember, these kids are smart and needs to be checked.
In all you do, do it in love and always remember that the reason you toil everyday is for you to give them a better future.

Do not neglect little things because those little, insignificant things matters and that is the foundation of every child growing up.

Don't fight and quarrel in front of kids, don't do drugs or smoke in their presence.


You have to first be a role model to your kids, be their Hero they see before they begin to see SUPERMAN, SPIDERMAN, HERCULES etc as their Hero , Lol.


You have to first be a role model to your kids, be their Hero they see before they begin to see SUPERMAN, SPIDERMAN, HERCULES etc as their Hero ,

Wonderful piece

Exactly,you have to be that Hero they see, thanks bro

This is a very enlightening post. I'm learning more and more about parenthood from you. Thank you for this.

Am glad you're learning alot from this,it's beautiful to have a happy home.