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RE: Teach Baby Ander to Sleep, Eat, Wake, Sleep (rather than Sleep, Wake, Eat, Sleep)

in Motherhood3 years ago

This is some very reasonable advice. Ander likes to eat. He was born at 42 weeks so he was considered a "mature" baby, he was 22 inches long with large hands and feet, so needless to say he eats like a bull. I've ordered the book and will see how it goes. Thanks for the information!


I hope it's helpful to you; it was immensely helpful to wife and me.

I noticed another post or comment recommending breastfeeding on demand. My wife is a huge promoter of breastfeeding (and has worked in the past as a breastfeeding educator). Some of the folks who are die-hard parent-directed-feeding advocates discount the breastfeeding-on-demand advocates, and vice versa.

My take is that both are based on some solid principles that need not be mutually-exclusive. The big takeaway (for us) from parent-directed-feeding was the sleeping, eating, and wake-time sequence (which is why I highlighted that in my post). That sequence is easiest when implemented by following a schedule. However, baby's metabolism changes rather quickly, so the core principle behind breastfeeding-on-demand is important, too.