in Motherhoodlast year

Fathers are the knight in shining armor of every child, the unsung heroes of every home, with their wonder personalities, selflessness, and relentless commitment to making sure their family is in good shape. In this season of celebrating the fathers, I'll love to give a shout-out to all the fathers of the hive and give kudos for the wonderful Jobs they're doing for the blockchain and their families at large.

A photo of Rosecane and his son.

In response to the motherhood community's ongoing contest to celebrate the dads of the hive, I'd love to talk about some amazing dads I've come across on the hive blockchain. These are people who have been a blessing to the blockchain and everyone around them and are still wonderful dads to their kids, so I'll be giving you an insight into them to get to know and appreciate them.

To start with, I'll be talking about my Friend @rosecane, whom I get to know via his brother Shrazi. We got to meet on the City of Neoxian metrix channel, and believe me, he's a great man with a wonderful personality. He's happily married with two boys, Rayan and his elder brother. There are lots of things that made me admire and appreciate this man, and I'll share some of them with you.

A photo of Rosecane and his son's.

I've come to know him as a hardworking man who gives his best in order to earn enough to cater for his family, and despite all of these job demands and activities, he still finds time to interact with the hive blockchain as well as on Discord. I can remember a post he shared late last year to celebrate his second son's birthday. I was literally smiling as I watched the beauty of fatherhood in one post. The cakes, pictures, and memories are ones his sons will grow up to cherish forever, knowing fully well that they're blessed with the best dad.

Another dad I'll love to celebrate on the hive blockchain is @shrazi; we usually call him uncle in the city of Neoxian or the gif man. He's one of the loveliest people you'll ever come across on the hive blockchain, always peaceful, easy-going, and fun to speak with. Coupled with his many jokes about Quduus1 and Burl, I met Uncle in the city of Neoxian, and he was even one of the driving forces that made me join the channel via his comments on my post back then.

A photo of Shrazi and his son Shahzaib.

Getting to know him, I know he was a father; he's always proud of his children, Shahzaib and Faiza. What more can you ask from a father than one who's proud of you and also does everything to make sure you've got the best of all life can offer? Uncle is the type of dad who usually has time for his kids and won't fail to put them through all they need to know, ranging from religious studies to their academics, as well as develop their skills and talents.

One of his many traits I love is how he opened an account for his son, Iamshahzaib, to help him share some of his many talents and skills on Hive. I believe this is a good way to help build a solid foundation that promises a great future for our kids, and as you can see, his kids are already learning from his drawing and designing skills, just like Shrazi does with his drawings, gifs, and several other things. I wish him all the best in all his endeavors.

A photo of Shahzaib and Faiza.

I'll also love to give a big shout-out to some of the other dads of Hive I know: @xabi, @kgakakillerg, @seunny, @fasacity, and several others. You guys are awesome and super dads. I'm proud of you and celebrate you on the special occasion of Father's Day. I would have loved to write an epistle for everyone, but I guess I'll save that for another day.

Thanks for your time. This is my contribution to the motherhood community prompt celebrating the dads of Hive. You can go through this post to get more information.

NOTE: All photos I used in this post were a properties of Rosecane and Shrazi, and they gave me the permission to use them, here are links to each one.

Thanks for your time, have a blessed day ahead.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 161 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Yay! 🤗
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wow thats awesome. Being a father is one of the best feeling in my life. It comes with lots of responsibilities as well. Every father has his own way of living and have a unique bond with his kids, not everyone can be the same father. I always wanted to be like my Father but I can just think of it, I am not that cool enough lol
Thank you so much for accepting me as a good father lol and for such lovely words.

That's good to know, you're a good man and I'm excited we came across each other.

You're warmly welcome, keep up the good work and stay bless.

NOTE: All photos I used in this post were a properties of Rosecane and Shrazi, and they gave me the permission to use them, here are links to each one.

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Thanks for your kind words, yea we learn daily and I'm glad ok improving.

Thanks fir the info, I'll check it out.

Thanks Mr. Vickoly to pick me and wrote love words 😍
Its all my pleasure that you choose me amongst all your friends 😁

Hope in next few years other will pick you as well hehe you know I/myself is not a good writer at all 😅

Good day to you!

Hehehe you're welcome uncle, you're doing an amazing job as a dad, so you deserve all accord.

Keep up the good work.

Hope in next few years other will pick you as well hehe

Lols I'll look forward to that, you're a good writer as well.

Thanks again 😁

Wow , such a joy to be a father😍,
Those kids are beautiful as angels

Indeed, it's always a joyful act to be a dad.