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RE: My Labour and Child Birth Experience

in Motherhood3 years ago

that moment of child birth brought me the greatest relief ever. I could almost say it is a sweet feeling.

YES!!!!!! i didn't went through labor since mine was a c-section, but i hated my pregnancy i felt horrible the whole 9 months and while I was in the table waiting to be cut open i felt pressure for the position, i actually felt a little when the doctor cut in me, and definitely felt the whole push the other doctor did on my stomach to help the baby out, so for me the c-section was painful, but the moment the baby was out omg my body felt such a relief not only cause i knew i was finally going to see his face and be able to hold him but the feeling it self of finally getting him out of me was such a relief.


Wow! Yours was quite a unique experience.

However the experience unfolds, the relief is something that cut across.

...and the joy of seeing one's offspring.

Wow! Yours was quite a unique experience.

However the experience unfolds, the relief is something that cut across.

...and the joy of seeing one's offspring.