Mushroom Monday - The Strangest Fungus Of This Summer

in Fungi Lovers3 years ago

Yesterday (after a few rainy days) I decided to take a walk in the local forest belt to check if the mushrooms had started to grow, so that later I would go to the big forest for the harvest. And almost immediately I came across such small mushrooms that I had never met before!


They were slightly larger than the tip of matches, and the hat resembles sulfur on the smallest firecracker ... It seemed that it was worth striking and they would flash) This surface was very similar to spores ...


But the most amazing thing about these mushrooms, I was able to see in the photos !!!
Inside (on those specimens that lacked hats), there was something like eggs ...! I don’t know if it was the insects that put their offspring there, or if they were bags of spores, but I haven’t seen anything like that yet!


(I enlarged this picture on purpose, for clarity ...)

I could not find any information about these funny creatures (
Maybe some of you friends know what this mushroom is?
Please write, I will be very grateful!

Well, that's all for today! Thanks for being with me, and Happy #mushroommonday to all!

Take care of yourself and your loved ones and see you soon!




dung loving birds nests is a common English name; Latin is Cyathus stercoreus. they are really love to pop up on the dung... and I am jealous you've found them... and @borjan have found and shoot them as well. I am dreaming of encounter with it for more than two years! :))))

Thank you so much for the information! Now I have become a little more advanced in mushrooms)

You will come across a little and only slowly and carefully ;))

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Thanks a lot, i really appreciate it!

Great cakes that I don't know that mushrooms are eaten would make them look very tasty and nice like candy ;))

They wouldn't even be enough for one tooth!)

Just dont rush to consume them -- gimme time to shoot them 1st, before you go!

haha but beware: those cakes appeared on the DUNG GROUNDs hehe... with all the consequences. they are literally produced from some dark and smelly stuff :))

Not everything is edible that looks appetizing)

never have doundts about that! <- "до чего обманчива природа", думал ежик, слезая с кактуса...

That's for sure!)))

Still the description is delicious and the look is clear hehehe ;))

you can read more about it here:

Бокальчик Олла (Cyathus olla). Отличительной чертой гриба является наличие однослойной перепончатой мембраны, скрывающей отверстие и зубчатый край. Внутри отверстия созревают периодиоли – линзовидные округлые части глебы, которые крепятся к оболочке мицелиальным шнуром. У вызревшего гриба, мембрана разрывается и опадает.

Thanks everyone for your help!

sure, I know the name and will tell you in 60 sec.

Забавная малышня, чего только нет в природе.
Таких не видел, хоть может и смотрел на такие ))

Я раньше тоже не видел, а возможно не обращал внимания, ведь они настолько мелкие, что их просто можно не разобрать среди травы)

это да, вот если на макроохоту, тут смотришь внимательно на мелочи, а так... ))

І справді дивина!