A walk in the forest for mushrooms (from 18 photos)

in Fungi Lovers2 years ago


My friend, it's time to go to the forest for mushrooms. It will be a real wild forest again. Don't forget to take with you everything you need in the forest...for example, a cup of coffee, a chair and something pleasant to the taste of what you love most. Are you ready? Then let's go.



A dry sunny day, what could be better than a forest in such weather? For me, only fishing on the lake, but we decided to go to the forest.



It has recently rained, the puddles have not dried out yet and there is a lot of heat. The mycelium should be pretty and generous. We'll see.



And I found the first mushroom right on the road. I should note that mushrooms are often found on forest roads. Apparently, the mycelium in its development rests on the dense ground of the road and with the help of mushrooms wants to overcome it.


I didn't touch this group of chanterelles. This is the work of a strong red worm. Usually he eats the leg to the hat and that's it. He has a strange taste...



And here is the first "noble" mushroom. He seems to be talking to a spider with his head respectfully bowed. Or maybe he just said hello.




I will not say that there are a lot of mushrooms in the forest. Apparently it's not time yet. But there are chanterelles and the first scouts of aspen and boletus appear. I'm waiting for their rapid growth to begin. My knife is already sharpened.




But even if there were no mushrooms at all, the forest is beautiful in itself. He lives his life and pleases the guests.




If you have the opportunity to get out into the forest, be sure to do it. Now there are ripe blueberries, raspberries, strawberries. Soon the lingonberries will ripen and of course the mushrooms have begun to grow. And if you have a camera with you, then you definitely won't be bored.

CameraSony A7М2
Post-productionin LR

Manual processing in Lightroom

Unless otherwise specified, text and photos are copyright




looks good , i realy need to get to the forest again one of these days to find new macro models :)
have a great sunday

Yes, that's a good idea.There are too many macro models in the forest, you won't come back empty 🤣 😂😅
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