Mushroom show-2 season (14 photos)

in Fungi Lovers3 years ago


-What are you doing with mushrooms?
-I eat them ...

-Что ты делаешь с грибами?
-Я их ем...

Believe it or not, I also eat mushrooms. But even more recently, I have come to love photographing them. Each mushroom is not like its relative, each has its own flavor. Mushrooms of the same species, genus and tribe can differ in size, shape and color. Sometimes they are difficult to identify at all. For example, I saw a completely white redhead. It sounds ominous, but there was no cataclysm with subsequent mutations. It's just that the mushroom has grown without access to sunlight. But in my today's gallery there is no such mushroom. I will show you those who have received the normal dose of solar radiation.

Не поверите, я тоже ем грибы. Но ещё больше в последнее время я полюбил их фотографировать. Каждый гриб не похож на своего сородича, в каждом есть своя изюминка. Грибы одного вида, рода и племени могут отличаться размерами, формами и цветами. Порой их вообще трудно опознать. К примеру, я видел совершенно белый красноголовик. Звучит зловеще, но не было никакого катаклизма с последующими мутациями. Просто гриб вырос без доступа солнечных лучей. Но в моей сегодняшней галерее такого гриба нет. Я покажу вам тех, которые получили нормальную дозу солнечной радиации.

According to the established tradition, the first to climb the podium are the kings and queens of the forest. Of course, these are red fly agarics. They have the brightest outfit and long slender legs.

По сложившейся традиции первыми на подиум поднимаются короли и королевы леса. Конечно, это мухоморы красные. У них самый яркий наряд и длинные стройные ноги.



Of course, women of fashion differ from each other and not only in the size and length of the legs. Someone likes white specks on their hats, someone prefers to do without them, but they all wear white skirts. So it was with them. Tradition, features of national dress.

Конечно, модницы отличаются друг от друга и не только размерами и длиной ног. Кто-то любит белые крапинки на шляпках, кто-то предпочитает обходится без них, но все они носят белые юбки. Так уж у них повелось. Традиция, особенности национальной одежды.



It should be noted that there are many fly agarics in the forest. I would even say that there are more of them now than the rest of the individual mushrooms. They grow up one at a time and in families, old and young. Until the foliage of the forest turns golden, these women of fashion simply decorate the forest.

Надо заметить, что мухоморов в лесу много. Я бы даже сказал, что их сейчас больше, чем остальных отдельно взятых грибов. Они растут по одному и семьями, старые и молодые. Пока листва леса не стала золотой, эти модницы просто украшают собой лес.


By the way, you now see a fragment of the witch's circle. Pay attention to this arc.

Кстати, вы сейчас видите фрагмент ведьминого круга. Обратите внимание на эту дугу.


And I caught this robber by the hand. This is who makes our mushrooms wormy. Small fly - small larvae. But there are also larger ones. This fly put an end to the fly agarics. And now we move on to the little funny guys who love stumps and rotten wood on the ground. I will not even name them, I think that everyone knows them (and at the same time I will check the attentiveness of the readers :)
So, meet the new people!

А эту разбойницу я "поймал за руку". Вот кто делает наши грибы червивыми. Маленькая муха - мелкие личинки. Но бывают и крупнее. Эта муха поставила точку на мухоморах. И теперь мы перейдём к маленьким весёлым ребятам, которые любят пни и гнилую древесину на земле. Я их даже называть не буду, думаю, что их все знают (а заодно проверю внимательность читателей:)
Итак, встречайте новый народец!



They are very shy and huddle together in a small group. I had to beg and persuade them for a long time. I wet my knees and elbows, but now they are here.

Они очень застенчивые и жмутся небольшой кучкой. Мне пришлось их долго упрашивать и уговаривать. Я промочил колени и локти, но теперь они здесь.




Here I also managed to catch a harmful insect. But it could not get ahead of me. Now these autumn mushrooms are dried up and are waiting to turn into mushroom pate. They will definitely wait for the New Year.

Здесь мне тоже удалось поймать вредное насекомое. Но оно не смогло опередить меня. Сейчас эти осенние опята высушены и ждут, когда превратятся в грибной паштет. На Новый год точно дождутся.



And to intrigue you a little ... however, we will talk about these handsome men next time.

И чтобы вас немного заинтриговать... впрочем, про этих красавцев мы поговорим в следующий раз.

#Fungi Friday

CameraSony A7М2
Post-productionin LR

Manual processing in Lightroom

Unless otherwise specified, text and photos are copyright

From Russia with Love




These ladies know how to pose for the camera. I particularly like the one with the orange hat and white polka dots. A nice big floppy sunhat attached permanently is fashion conscious and provides some shade on those hot days 😀

Wonderful photography!

Glad to see you @buffalobison and thank you for your kind words!
Yes, these ladies know a lot about fashion and can really excite your desires. They are wise, when there was a lot of sun they took care of their hats, now they use them as red umbrellas against rain.

Cheers! аnd !BEER

Smart cookies these ones. Thanks for the beer, this appears to be my first glass on Hive. Don't worry I'm a responsible drinker and know my limit haha

 3 years ago (edited) 

don't worry, this is non-alcoholic beer)))


@bambuka denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@bambuka thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

@bambuka denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@bambuka thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Hey @buffalobison, here is a little bit of BEER from @bambuka for you. Enjoy it!

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The only edible mushrooms that I know of that you can't buy at the shops is Blue Meanies and Gold Tops and you don't want to be having too many of those...🤣

I never buy mushrooms in stores. Better to pick fresh ones in the forest. As a last resort, open the freezer ... :-))

Cheers! аnd !BEER

Yeah I've never been a huge fan of mushrooms- unless they are chopped up in something and unless they were Blue meanies or little goldtops...🤣

And I'll definitely pass on the freezer shrooms too thanks! 😬

 3 years ago (edited) 

the best mushrooms are those with red caps and white pimples.
I usually take them out of the bag that hangs on my wall. These are magic mushrooms that fulfill your wishes))


Yes that's what I always thought to which explains (sort of) why they feature so prominently in so many children's fairytales...but I also thought they'd be very poisonous too- as in death type poisonous...

 3 years ago (edited) 

Seriously speaking, this mushroom contains both a poison and an antidote. It all depends on the dose and your attitude towards the result.
If you eat too much, the antidote kicks in, causing you to vomit violently. By the way, a very good way to cleanse your body of excess toxins))


@bambuka denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@bambuka thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

@bambuka denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@bambuka thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

You need to stake more BEER (24 staked BEER allows you to call BEER one time per day)

@bambuka denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@bambuka thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Wow you are lucky to have so many red Amanitas up there. They are very rare over here.

We have them, but that rarely happens. There were many last year too. Maybe they've started to gain strength lately?


@bambuka denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@bambuka thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

 3 years ago  

yeah boy