photography of grigit mushrooms that have beautiful colors and unique shapes

in Fungi Lovers2 years ago


Hello all friends, come back with me @dalkece, I hope you all are always in good health physically and spiritually, today I am back again showing my friends all the photos of unique and interesting mushrooms that thrive in the aceh forest, mushrooms what I found this time was Grigit mushroom or which has the Latin name splitgill mushroom., usually this fungus grows on dead wood, for example, mango trees, bamboo, and many others, this time I found them on tamarind tree trunks that already dead, the shape is very beautiful, this mushroom has a white color on top of the mushroom and has a brown color on the bottom, this grigit mushroom once grows can be very large and can even fill all parts of the tree, the size of this mushroom varies, some are small, medium and some are a little big.

I found this mushroom in front of my friend's house, he is named Hatta, in front of his house there is a Javanese tamarind tree that has long been dead and overgrown by this grigit mushroom, I have seen this mushroom for a long time and today I decided to take a picture of the mushroom , that day the weather was raining so I decided to wait for the rain to stop, after the rain stopped I invited Hatta to accompany me to photograph this grigit mushroom, I photographed this mushroom from all sides as taught by my senior, namely @alvonsohiver.

I took this picture using my cellphone which is always on standby with me, I took a picture from under the mushroom, side and above, I also took a picture of the mushroom a bit far so that all the mushrooms could be seen.

I photographed this mushroom in the afternoon, because that day it rained very hard and only subsided in the afternoon, I prefer to take pictures of something in the afternoon because the lighting is very good and makes the mushroom more beautiful, this mushroom is a type of poisonous mushroom or not to be eaten, if we eat this mushroom the risk is that our body will be poisoned.









That's all from me today, I hope what I share this time is useful for all of my friends and I hope you like it, thank you for supporting me, greetings from me @dalkece and see you again in the next episode about unique and interesting types of mushrooms, thank you.

I took this picture using
Camera:realme c2
Location:North Aceh
Photographer: @dalkece


that's really impressive,, for the next episode, show even more beautiful,,