Photography of unique and rare mushrooms in yellow

in Fungi Lovers2 years ago


Hello all friends, come back with me @dalkece, I hope you all are always in good health physically and spiritually, today I am back again showing my friends all the photos of mushrooms that thrive in the forests of Aceh, the mushrooms that I found this time it is a very unique type of mushroom, usually this fungus grows on dead wood, the shape is very unique and very beautiful, this mushroom has a white color underneath and has a yellow color underneath, this mushroom has no stem, once it grows mushrooms This is only 1 piece, and has a medium size.

I found this mushroom in a forest far from my house, at that time I was looking for some mushrooms for me to take photos of and I will share with friends, I went looking for these mushrooms around 4 pm, while on the way I saw mushrooms This is what grows on a dead log, I immediately cleaned the place where the fungus grew so I took a picture of the mushroom so that it looked clean and beautiful.

I photographed this mushroom using my cellphone which is always on standby with me, I used a realme cellphone to photograph it, I photographed the mushroom from all sides both from above, side, and below.

I photographed this mushroom in the afternoon, because I went and found this mushroom in the afternoon, besides that I prefer to photograph something in the afternoon because the lighting is very good and makes the mushroom more beautiful.








That's all from me today, hopefully what I share this time is useful for all of my friends and I hope you like it, thank you for supporting me, greetings from me @dalkece and see you again in the next episode about unique and interesting types of mushrooms, thank you.

I took this picture using
Camera:realme c2
Location:North Aceh
Photographer: @dalkece


this is a mushroom hunted by traditional medicine processors