Thursday mushroom | photography of a unique mushroom that grows on the base of a palm tree and has beautiful colors

in Fungi Lovers2 years ago


Hello all friends, come back with me @dalkece, I hope you all are always in good health physically and spiritually, today I am back again showing my friends all the photos of mushrooms that thrive in the forests of Aceh, the mushrooms that I found this time it is a very unique type of mushroom, the shape is round and very small, the mother mushroom grows on the palm tree trunk, the uniqueness of this mushroom is its attractive color and shape, this mushroom has a golden color on its entire surface, this mushroom does not have a stem , once growing this fungus can be very much.

I found this mushroom in an oil palm field behind my house, I knew the mushroom because it was told by my mother, I immediately went to the place to check it, and rightly there was this mushroom, I immediately took a picture of the mushroom using My cellphone that I have attached the lens to, I borrowed the lens from @alvonsohiver, I took pictures of the mushrooms from all sides, both from above and below. After taking pictures of the mushrooms, I went straight home to edit them.

I photographed this mushroom using my realme cellphone which is always on standby with me,
I photographed this mushroom in the afternoon, because the lighting is good and it makes my picture more beautiful.

That's all from me today, hopefully what I share this time is useful for all of my friends and I hope you like it, thank you for supporting me, greetings from me @dalkece and see you again in the next episode about unique and interesting types of mushrooms, thank you.








I took this picture using
Camera:realme c2
Location:North Aceh
Photographer: @dalkece


The mushroom looks like a fruit stuck to wood, what an amazing find

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