
Yes, I was too late to change it after realizing my mistake. The only thing I could do was to put the hashtag #fungifriday and the line from Eve.

I'm irritated that if I make a mistake and post in the wrong communities, I can't change it, and I also have a hard time deleting it to correct my error.

But nothing is perfect, so HIVE can't be that either :)

if I make a mistake and post in the wrong communities, I can't change it, and I also have a hard time deleting it to correct my error.

we are living in Web 2.0 epoch, you know, so its no problem!
spending some extra life time on correcting the posts, yeah, that is a bit annoying -- but that isnt So Huge, right? just a minute or two.

and anyway that is not such a Big Mistake You Should Correct asap, haha

Much worse is when you double-post the same by error, or post something not appropriate / not suitable / directed to the totally wrong community... and you cant delete the post. then, indeed, you have to copy the post's content, erase it asap from the post, and add there something instead -- so that it was not empty and had something, sort of a filler xD


Now I get it. I can not delete it from the community but can change the content. Then the only problem is to find/make content for the post to that community. Then, copy and paste the original post into the right community.

I got stuck trying to delete the original post from the wrong community. So now I know how this work, always learning; you are alive as long as you learn :) Thanks for the info.

It was my pleasure to help.

the post can be deleted from the blockchain, actually -- before it will have at least a single upvote. 😎

Hey @bragih, here is a little bit of BEER from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.