Hi... hivean friends, wild mushroom hunters and mushroom eaters of the universe, edible and the rest, to get to know a little about new and beautiful mushrooms that grow randomly and mushrooms that are planted with media to generate additional income that can be profitable for a work and desires for every individual everywhere.
Maybe I'm just starting to get to know a few unique mushrooms and there are only a few types of edible mushrooms, and the rest maybe mushrooms that can be processed as medicine or glucose for the addition of natural substances contained in wild mushrooms that grow by themselves.
Today wasn't so good for me with wild mushrooms, but I did get some, and I also got three shots for the forest fly which was sitting on a small fragile log looking busy with its prey. lol
Sometimes measuring the mushroom with the left index finger to see how big the mushroom is, because it is very important for me to get to know this little mushroom again.
It's not just mushrooms as media objects that I try to follow, forest flies that have green bodies are also my current account, in other words learning a little bit of knowledge that can make writing patterns wider and more focused.
And here are some other leaf fungus tucked from behind the dry leaves that grow closely together on the ground and covered with visible leaves
On this day where I am unlucky with natural mushrooms and other nature lovers who have also become a new discovery for me at this time, and thank you for still being with my blog and for being here with the voice you have given at this time.
Best Regards
By @jungleboyatjeh