fungi friday (8 macro foto)

in Fungi Lovers3 years ago

Hola, setero! Today I share some tropheys and mushroom impressions from this summer trip to a local forest, near my countryside place (its located south to St.Petersburg, Russia). The trip was successful, I've finished with a basket of orange-cap boletus, russulas, porcini (ceps), and some bright festive colourful amanita muscaria.

Enjoy the goodies! (All photos are clickable for hi-res).



Leccinum aurantiacum aka Orange-cap boletus (in Russian: подосиновик) in two lifecycle phases: early (below) and matured (above). Finding its bright red or orange cap among the green grass or dead leaves is always a pure pleasure!



Boletus edulis, aka Porcini - the best 1-st grade edible mushroom in our woods.


Russula claroflava (in Russian: сыроежка желтая). Edible mushroom, we always collect this kind. Sadly, worms enjoy it too, and quite often find them before we do.


Russula alutacea (сыроежка зелёно-красная). Edible mushroom, too.


Look at this handsome redhead fella. Does it look the same as above one? A grilled cap, white spots on a red-orange cap. But it is totally different specie. When the mushroom have aged, its outlook is far from 'classical', ideal for identification, and maybe it is enough for the application to mis-identify it. This one is not Russula but Amanita muscaria - a toxic toadstool mushroom (also named Fly agaric). Where are its famous 'white spots' on the cap? Ha, the rain flushed them away! Where is the intense crimson-red color of the cap? Aged, as well. But the ring on the stem is still partly visible, and the cup at the stem's downside is very visible too.


Now, its time to part ways, I wish you good luck -- and Good Hunting!
Happy #FungiFriday to you!
And a little reminder: we have a nice fun challenge at HIVE, hold by @EwkaW


I hope many of you will join, as there are only 2 simple rules:

  • when Friday comes, share your fungi with us! post your own, original photo/drawing/art/food/anything-at-all of any type of fungi (yes, stolen images will be checked and reported !)
  • add #fungifriday (not necessarily must be your 1st tag). that's all!



A wonderful illustrated story about mushrooms!

The mushrooms are very beautiful and the mushroom box is also very interesting ,, 😍

...and tasty!

thank you, my friend.

@tipu curate

thank you, Ervin -- manual curation is always appreciated.

You are welcome. All these mushrooms are wonderful, congrats on your catch - for the edible ones.

It's funny that red ones are edible in Russia and poisonous here in Central Europe. Different soil, I guess.

Its no fun! You speak here about the red russulas, right? er... I guess soil is not the case. (Higher temperatures sometimes may the case, but not this time). I think this certain specie is edible in Southern Europe, as well. But there are a lot of different brittlegills out there, this edible one has synonims which are bitter and unedible - russula rosea, russula sanguinea, russula emetica. "simply" as that :))
the problem is to distinguish one from another, haha! @ervin-lemark - !ENGAGE 20

Exactly, you are right. We don't touch the red ones.

Yet, they are a good sign that other, edible and delicious mushrooms could be nearby.

We don't touch the red ones.

btw: there is a way to decide - just bite a tiny piece and chew it. (I speak about britlegill here). If it has bitter taste then it not suit you, if it has no bitter taste - then its a good edible one. easy like that.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 44 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @qwerrie, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Wow sir such an amazing photography you have taken sir thanks a lot for sharing ⁦❤️⁩🙏⁦✌️⁩

my sincere pleasure! glad you enjoyed it. all best wishes -- namaste!

Pleasure is all mine sir 😊🙏

It is Thursday :)

yes, thats true. unfortunately. I noticed that, but later! I was TOTALLY sure it was Friday today, haha!

Love the knife, the little toad and the basket full of yummy stuff 🤤

thanks! I love the little toad most, too -- looks like a jewelry, created by mother nature!

It just doesn't look like it, it is a gem 😍

TNKS. I think so too, thats why I made a series of photos. I will share more in the future!

Что ж вы северяне мне так душу тревожите? Вот постоянно у вас белый гриб!!!
Мой дядька, пока был жив и жил в Сибири, мешками нам их возил (сушеные), хоть и ехать к нам 7 суток на поезде)))

о божееее! сушеные белые, мешками! и это человек нам еще завидует.... эхехе... да вы знаете, сколько они стоят у нас в магазинах? 500 рэ за сто грамм, б---ть! как будто бы это уже почти трюфели. а не в магазинах, на природе -- в вытоптанных лесах -- хорошо, если пару раз за лето найдешь хоть десяточек. про ведро белых я ихе и не знаю даже. лично я даже не помню, когда такое в моей жизни случалось. думаю что за последние 15 лет - ни разу. а так, чтобы носить мешками и ведрами, с каждого захода в лес - ну, это надо или в сибири жить, или места знать. увы.....

Так это ж тоже было лет 15 назад)
Я потому и возмущаюсь, что у нас их даже пофоткать негде((( Но ничего, мне показали место в наших краях где они точно есть (в прошлом году, ввиду засухи, вообще ничего не было), буду надеяться на этот год!! Ну а если и в этом году, та же песня будет, не выдержу и рвану куда-нить подальше, где и дожди есть и они родимые!)))

год был вроде снежный, вода должна бы быть в наличиии.. ну, как-то я склонен предполагать. это конечно не гарантирует отсутствия летней засухи и без-дождительного периода.. ну, поживем-увидим.

Перво-наперво, благодаря снегам я надеюсь, на весеннюю волну Синей Ножки (Рядовка Лиловоногая) в марте, так как прошлой осенью, ее тоже не было от слова совсем! Хотя в сезон за раз ведер 10 вдвоем можно нарезать...

ни эту, ни Рядовку фиолетовую - думаю, ни разу не видел.. эхехе. желаю всяческой удачи в деле заготовления припасов!

Спасибо, когда все удастся, сделаю подробный отчет!)

This mushroom is very beautiful and cool and very delicious to eat ...

hi there! @ridor5301, there are different mushrooms here.
some are very tasty (1st grade), others so-so.
and Amanita muscaria is a toxic mushroom.
by the way! my friend @bambuka and I talked a few days ago,
and suddenly we developed this question. let me ask you :
Do the mushrooms like Amanita muscaria (toxic redhead) occure at Indonesian forests?
or they typical habitants of northern areas only ? thanks in advance, for the answer. cheers!
3 minutes ago

I've never encountered mushrooms
Amanita muscaria mushroom (poisonous red hair) ... this type of mushroom does not exist in Indonesia or I have never found and seen this type of mushroom in Indonesia.

thank you for your "witness info from first hands".
most probable you are correct - this mushroom
live together with other trees, that dont occure at your land. cheers!