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RE: Mushroom Protocol 03

in Fungi Lovers3 years ago

Any one see anything they recognise in the basket?

ofc I recognized a puff-ball, and maybe a pale-grey one below it is a britlegill, and yellow Suillus sp. in the center of the pic

thanks for sharing! a nice post, providing help for fungi identification, supported by FL account and nominated for #OCD curation. keep up the good work!


new regulations in Switzerland I needed to submit a vaccination or test certificate.

shit, shit, shit. is this the brave new world we're already in?..
resistance is an answer.

it goes against my principles to be coerced into undergoing a medical procedure or in this case driven to social exclusion or denied participation due to my indifference in opinion.

still a million other things I don't need a certificate for? Maybe like going to the forest
