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RE: Mushroom Protocol 03

in Fungi Lovers3 years ago

Haha, that sounds so familiar mate. The season is also just starting where you are , right? I'm so exited. got my dehydrator ready. I actually ate it once too, because I am a fan of bitter melon with vinegar. I gotta say I am not a fan of Tylopilus felleus. lol The smell of mushrooms can really train the olfactory senses to identify mushrooms. I had no idea about that significance. so even before putting a small piece in your mouth, the smell can give away a lot. I once smelled a amanita citrina and almost puked. Some mushrooms also smell like old socks or smelly dog, right?. lol.


Oh yeah I have often found hen of the woods by smell, they have that strong sulfur mushroom smell in a good way. Whatever you do don't try and smell any of the stink horns. I've only found amanita citrina a couple times but never thought of smelling them (I'll avoid it thanks to you lol).