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RE: Facing it

I guess the question also becomes... when does someone recognize that they've made it?

I completely agree with what you wrote about failure... and I honestly wish everyone didn't see failure as such a negative. I remember when I was young my uncle complaining to my parents about a bad investment he made. He was so disappointed in himself and while, yes, losing money and time sucks, he no doubt learnt a ton in that venture. I really wished people celebrated failures as much as successes, because they are both attempts and both taught the person a bunch and honestly, the difference between success and failure is oftentimes just dumb luck. I'd rather fail than do nothing that's for sure.


Indeed, failing often is a good thing provided one learns from it. We all know what doing the same thing expecting different results is right? Madness or, insanity, is what they say. But taking the lessons one learns from failing and applying new strategies and plans them moving forward again? That's legitness!

Hahaha, all the legitness!

I've actually always struggled with that particular saying... just because there are always so many variables in every situation. It's so rare (maybe impossible) to do the exact same thing in the exact same way under the exact same conditions... but if that were possible then yes, that would be insanity... but the truth is... each new attempt at something is obviously going to be slightly different, and that difference may actually bring a completely unexpected result.

each new attempt at something is obviously going to be slightly different, and that difference may actually bring a completely unexpected result.

Excellently said indeed!

Boom! Kudos from the big man... what a great day this turned out to be!