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RE: Show and tell, hide and decide

in Self Improvement3 years ago

I have been seeing a lot more about this Emotional Intelligence unfortunately it seem the only emotions these experts or wanna be experts take into account are the negative one, it is the righteously angry emotional people that are being seen as the intelligent ones, not the thoughtful praiseworthy ones; they are just seen as tools and fools.

It is very easy to tell someone what they screwed up how they screwed up, and what they did that caused the screw up, it is not so easy to take a screw up and turn it into thoughtful correction. It can be done, it is just not easy to do, and when dealing with it in an employee evaluation you can run into all sorts of emotional stupidity. "Are you done, do you now want to sit down and hear how I was going to finish that sentence?" I hated evaluation time.


it is the righteously angry emotional people that are being seen as the intelligent ones, not the thoughtful praiseworthy ones; they are just seen as tools and fools.

It creates the drama needed to get more clicks - profiteering from people's mental instability. Sad state of the consumer mind.

I hated evaluation time.

Me too, though I have only ever had two done - next week will be my third :) I am pretty lucky so far though, as my supervisor has been really good at what she does and I think the new guy coming in will be similar in approach, as he is kind of her protégé.

By the way - I am not a snob with the "é" but it comes up as spelled wrong without it and I have the option to correct it with a click :D