The Beauty In A Woman's Self-care


I'm here with another top talk that seems to be random but very important to look into!

have you come across people that care less about themselves or their physical looks? do they think they still have another life to leave on Earth or they just don't care and why?

growing up, I came from a family that always makes sure you look very good before stepping outside, it got to a point I couldn't go out to get something very urgent for myself in the morning hours if i have not bathed and get myself put together, and till date that still happens all the time. there is this majestic feeling when you are well dressed and you step out, you give in your best confidently and speak boldly.

let me tell y'all a sort story abou my expirence, and I'm sure we all must have experience it as well, it was this very day I was in a hurry to go get something from someone that's years back, and so I had to quickly take my bath and I didn't bother dressing well since where I was going to was a little close, and so I just had to rush and wear something random unlike me, when I stepped out guess who I saw? I saw these set of people that no matter what if I want to see them I will always make sure that I'm well dressed haha, I could not see anything as I was so dumbfounded,

So they had to drag me to going out with them and that they ended up being fun, and it wasn't a big deal as I thought it was going to be, but still I wasn't that comfortable with the way I was looking sincerely speaking, but the fact that they were just so cool with me was a good feeling somehow. on that faithful day i promised myself no matter what, I'm always going to look good before going out even if it's just at the doorstep yea! now remember it's my one choice, everyone has their choices to make, so you go for the one that works better for you okay!



Outside trying to do what you're comfortable with, you might be comfortable doing the wrong things, and not even realise that, such things can happen based on where you grew up or how less you think about such things for a very long time to the extend they kinda build in you and you see them as normal behaviours or lifestyle. above everything I have said, taking very good care of yourself is the first key of appreciating nature, you are a product of nature as well, taking very good care of yourself has never gone wrong in any way, if it has I would like to hear your points in the comment section!

so as a woman, young lady, a girl, you are up to taking very good care of yourself, that way it builds some kind of respect around you, and no matter the principles you have, it makes people respect them and take your words seriously! everyone have their dressing codes, look for the one that best fit you and make you confident, work with different styles of it, my ladies I hope I'm getting it right, and for the guys I hope I'm getting it right as well? because you are definitely going to be the people that will get involved with us ladies, so if your woman is not looking good it will be your problem as well.

let's try and build the confidence with our looks