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RE: Pick your sugar... honey

in Self Improvement4 years ago

We're all dopamine junkies, looking for the next fix and cannot see the destructive nature of our ways, everyone's fixes may come in different forms but if you give control over to these forces you'll always end up worse off

Oooh i love that you're a Lex Freidman podcast listener now :P


Ah yes the fast kick off the brain has from a little bit of sugar lol. I think we can train ourselves to control our impulses. The primitive part of our brain is weak for impulses, but hello neocortex, the centre of decision making lol.

Yup, I am a fan. Thanks to you. I like how he thinks, his mind. I recently listened to his talk about neuroplasticity with David Eagleman. I will get some of his books, I am fascinated about the way our brain functions.