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RE: Steam falls down

in Self Improvement2 years ago

Nice dude that's some progress for sure! Love when things like that come together. My wife is likely not thrilled about the gaping hole in our ceiling due to an annoying leak that we got fixed but repairing that hole is one of those things. It's nice out and we get a finite amount of days and times where we can enjoy things so, it's been open for about 4 weeks now lol oops.

I find it funny when people share too much. I was never into that on the lamestream platforms like Fakebook but boy do I have people I used to talk to that do! Not as bad as "taking a shit, check this out" type stuff but certainly more than they should be. They also all took those ridiculous phishing surveys about favorite foods, places grown up and all that to guess at the security questions of peoples accounts lol that was fun to learn why those are constantly being put out there.

Like anything, managing the level of consumption is important! If we get things too much one direction or another it ends up with some issues. I can think of a few people that visit the Rant community and let loose a bit about the utter lack of quality, creativity and virgin sacrifices on Hive nowadays but it's like well.. maybe not spend 18 hours a day on Hive..? Lol


Hahah no offense man! :D I find quality stuff all the time but I’m not on here a hell of a lot

It’s also not only you that says it by the way! I can think of 2 more people!