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RE: Being on fire, rest and the rise

rest by scaling back in one or more areas for a time

I think that's a good way to put it. I once knew a guy who divided his life into three parts: personal, social, and financial. His idea was it's impossible to devote 100% to everything. I wish I could tell you the math he had worked out, but I don't remember it. It was something like each of these columns can be at around 33%, or one can be at zero, one at 33 and one at 66. And so on. So in his view you could have a balance but if you wanted to focus more on one, one or both or the others would have to suffer for it. Scaling and shifting. So then for a break, it was shifting back from social and financial and into personal. I don't know if that's a good system, but I found it interesting to remember about.

I admit I'm not very good at balance or at focus, but it is something I'm always trying to improve on, as I have been trying to improve on it all my life. Hmmm. Someday I'll get there.


His idea was it's impossible to devote 100% to everything.

This is true...That's why I hate the term, work/life balance. I tend to prefer being one hundred percent in the moment I'm in rather than try to split my focus. Of course, that can switch in an instant depending on what I need to prioritise.

I like focus, but it's difficult to have laser focus all the time...Sometimes mine resembles a garden sprinkler going in every direction at once. I'm human I guess, or so I'm told.

Sometimes mine resembles a garden sprinkler going in every direction at once.

Mine too, unfortunately. Probably most of the time. But I do try to pull it together at least sometimes. Having a schedule and forcing myself to always stare at it helps a bit.

Lol...Staring at the schedule, or staring into space...both have their merits. 😂

Haha absolutely!