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RE: Confessions of a ‘Biz Opp’ Junkie, Old Enough to Know Better.

in Self Improvement3 years ago

I think that you can never know just how much this comment touched my heart. Thank you so much for your thoughts, your words, and especially for the way you make a person feel when they roll across your posts.

I think the fact that you take your time and use all of your words (well, not all, you could NEVER!) but, the right words speaks a lot for someone not willing to let a job go half done. Brevity is so overrated. Those who cry for more don't know what they are missing or have never heard your words. ;)

I believe in choosing them wisely, but, when that won't work, well, then it's obvious, yes? Thank you so much. You made my day.

Have a lovely one yourself. As always, I hope to cross paths again. :)