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RE: Reasons Can Be Many, But Who Are You Trying To Fool? My 2 Cents

in Self Improvement • last year

I just want to add that AI has not figured out how to write from the heart or insert emotion.

I hope it never will. Otherwise humanity will be in deep 💩. Usually I stay away from those articles as I'm not interested and as a curator I don't value them either. As you say, it may give correct sentences but I'm not here to read academic papers, had my fair share of that and Hive is not the place.

Thank you for the nice words, I'm doing my best to be better every day and no, my English is not better than yours 😂.

Sorry to read that someone you know got caught. It's not a nice feeling, especially i you trusted them. But it happens all the time on Hive.


At least it wasn't the person who onboarding me but is someone that has showed me the way here, not to cheat though. Very disappointed I haven't said anything to him but want to. I'm still letting it sit on my mind. The worst part is he has a brilliant mind and has the ability to be useful to so many:(

That is indeed sad. I will never understand why people choose shortcuts, instead of contributing to build something amazing, like Hive. You're new, may not know the history of Hive, but the community has been through a lot with the hostile takeover and the fork and we're where we are because we care.

The other thing many don't understand is that the most precious thing you can have on Hive is your reputation and I'm not talking about that useless number next to your username. The only thing that counts is what you do on the chain and how you handle yourself. Once the trust is gone, you have nothing. Simple as that.

I read your article about reputation a week ago or so. It made think about a friend who started here like 6 months ago and was so worried about that number. I don't worry about the number because frankly I came here to read, write, engage and expand my virtual friends. So far doing just that has been fun. I also don't worry about making a buck because chances are I won't transfer anything back my wallet. Don't get me wrong I do want to grow but to benefit others not myself.

Yes, newbies are usually concerned about reputation and make it a monthly target to grow it. I was one of them once. Back then 68 was a huge number. Since then I've seen users with high reputation turn into abuser and stopped by the community. I've also seen users getting life saving help, literally, because the community knew who they were and what they have done on the chain. So there's a huge difference between that number and your real reputation on chain :) You keep doing what you're doing as that's the right way :)