Day 90 of 90 Day - Wake Up Early - Lifestyle Creation Challenge with Josie

in Self Improvement3 years ago (edited)

Eeeeyy, let's just wrap this up, shall we?

Do I have any reflections on this challenge, appart from the fact that 90 days are a bloody long time and you can shift through so many different timelines in the meanwhile?

Well, just that it's still easy to slip up, even and exactly when you think you've long since got it under control.

Just like any addiction, old patterns can creap up on you and wait the perfect opportunity of when you are your lowest to pounce on you, seemingly out of nowhere, leaving you feeling like a failure. Even though you're far from a failure.

All in all this journey has been immensely valuable for me. Allowing me to get to know my own inner workings a whole lot better. But it is no secret that I'm looking forwart to taking a break from daily posting for a while. :) It has indeed been the most exhausting part of the whole process.

What's next in store for Josie? Another challenge, maybe? You know I love my challenges, but it's highly doubtfull I'll make a daily documented one for quite the while now. So maybe a book review here or there. A Josie-esque silly short poem. Or maybe I'll finally take some time to catch up on what the lovely hive folk has been up to all this time..

Only time will tell.

But for now.. *poofs out of existence*
