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RE: Facing it

in Self Improvement2 years ago (edited)

I agree that the "fake it until you make it" does not work in a lot of situations. You see it in the corporate world where people are in high positions because they used the lower level jobs as stepping stones, and they jumped from company to company to get promoted. Those people often can't do the work of the lower positions and don't even have a good understanding of them either so they look like idiots time and time again in meetings because they can't answer relatively simple questions and constantly have to bring in other employees to provide the answer. They really just become middle men in that their boss ask for a task and then they push it down the chain. They're email pushers lol. Often they get fired to, because they are redundant lol.

Your tweaked version makes more sense bringing in action, effort and practice and all that.


It seems there's more and more such people...Near enough is good enough for society these days, quality declines, understanding declines...We think we're so smart but really, all we really know how to do is Google it. (An exaggeration, I know...But I think you get the point.)

all we really know how to do is Google it.

Haha, so true. Good way of putting it.

I know it's true...I googled it!

Lol. (Not really. Honest.) 🙂
