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RE: Facing it

Let me tell you a personal experience…
When I was at my thing… 😉
We had a tennis table that everyone was at it all the time, except me.
I always thought that table tennis 🏓 is a lame sport and it was just my wussy brain though…
Anyways, one day for some reason I asked one of my friends to teach me how to play…
Man I was a lame stupid beginner. Maybe the worst ever… 😅
The guy had to put aside the racket and throw me the ball with hand for me to be able to answer… 😂
Though for me to learn how play the game, I had to just go though the stupid phase. Because it’s just how it works. For you to get it, you have to fail and feel lame..:
And now, I’m not saying I’m the best, but I have something to say…
That is exactly how it happened for me when I started American Football 🏈… 🙂


Good story man. Persistence is one of th best personality traits one can have and combined with a few other things it gets things done.

You mention table tennis...A shit thing to watch but it's kind of fun to play. I play badly but will have a crack at it. Also, the American Football thing. I think we both relate to that one...A little more painful to play than ping pong but both require the same attributes in the learning and playing stages. Effort, persistence, ownership, discipline and more...The same things you would have had to apply in your other thing just recently.

Great response mate. Thanks.

A thick skin is all you need... ;)