The importance of finding our Ikigai

in Self Improvement11 months ago


Ikigai is a Japanese term and means "one's reason for being and for existing".

Let’s start from the cover image: Ikigai is the sum of:

  • what you are GOOD at
  • what you can be PAID for
  • what the world NEEDS
  • what you LOVE

As you can see is a balanced mixture between our vocations/passions + something that is useful for other people AND something that can be profitable as well.


Too many people are floating in the hyperuranium, either being confident to be a Master in some topics and other simply floating following their passions, completely forgetting about that they have to pay expenses and get some money to live with.

It's the purpose of our life: it's what drives us to get up in the morning and makes us feel motivated, fulfilled, inspired. This is not an easy path. Passions will give us an extra speed if compared to others BUT we have to surpass different challenges and keep ourselves motivated!

What can keep our motivation up?

The quality of the work we do, the satisfaction brought to other people, some economical results that makes us to sustain the work and our life (or at least a part of it) and so on.

Ikigai is not something for dreamers. Ikigai teaches people to find a balance between different aspects of life, of our soul, of our friends, of the other people and so on.

It's that feeling of accomplishment we get when we pursue our passions.

Source: Meme created by the Author through

So, how to find our Ikigai?

Start by trying to answer these questions:

  • What do I love to do?
  • What is my talent?
  • How can I be useful in the world?
  • What would they pay me for?

One thing we must very well aware of, is to avoid identification with our work, with our relationships, with our success or failures. All these dynamics can prevent us to find our true Ikigai.

I think that I found one my Ikigai and in the last months I am refining it. And as I will make further steps I will update you on my path!

Finding the Ikigai is a long journey that requires time, patience and introspection.

But, once you find it, it changes your life.


I like the idea of this, but in my experience the only place where it falls down is that if you take a hobby or interest you love and are passionate about and turn it into a business in order to earn money, it kills the hobby for you. It's a mistake I've made twice in my life, and I'm not sure what the solution is.

What you say it's correct. I think that much depends on the amount of ambition and attachment to the goal. I am reconsidering some "easiness" in the work I do and it's quite helping me

Yay! 🤗
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