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RE: May I have some more?

The subject is certainly delicate but of widespread and topical interest. I believe that a correct culture from a nutritional point of view is important as nowadays obesity is becoming more and more widespread; on the other hand, attention should also be paid to those situations in which, on the contrary, one is unable to bring a dish to the table, but that is another issue. In any case, I am against any abuse and I personally do everything I can to prevent it from happening, especially when it comes to children.
I'm not a parent therefore I can't speak from different experience, but if I were, do everything in my power so that my children can feel good and have a fair education in all areas of life, even if the parent's "job" it's not simple and we know that you are not born with an instruction booklet but I believe that in life you can learn from experience and certain things, even if you don't know them, I imagine come naturally; children are the most important thing in the world.
Thanks for the food for thought, and in this case there is so much to think about.
I hug you!


do everything in my power so that my children can feel good and have a fair education in all areas of life

People seem to forget that "feel good" doesn't necessarily mean, be happy right now - lifetimes are periods of time and if feeling good right now is going to lead to years of pain and suffering down the track, it wasn't the right thing to do.

I fully agree, feeling good and being happy among other things can be two different things. Moreover, in general I am for the serenity that is lasting, happiness in itself is something that you experience in moments but it comes and goes.