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RE: Stitching it together

“Be strong in the moments where you want to be weak because life itself is worth living for. If you are not living the life that you want, you fight for that life.”
― Jensen Ackles

My tapestry is a strange combination, but it is MINE. Are there dark colours? Yes, several rows of dark colours, but in truth, they helped shape me into who I am. I found bravery and strength when I thought I had none left. And I began to weave wonderful colours into my world once more. I found a love most only dream of, and he is the golden thread that makes my tapestry sparkle. And through his love I found that I wanted to weave an even more beautiful tapestry.


Nice quote indeed!

Those golden threads will help you find more colours I think, together and individually, because of the other. It's a nice place to be in. And, thanks to the dark, the light and colour seems that much better.

Very much the truth on both counts, at least for us. I know not everyone has the kind of relationship we do. We often get envious glances or told we are "couple goals". I know what we have is very special. He really is my rock and my golden thread. The dark colours seem far less daunting, and the beautiful colours are brighter and more appreciated with him by my side.

It seems you've found the right formula and that's good for you both as you'll have better lives because of it.