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RE: After the Long Beep

in Self Improvement2 years ago

I think the chances of having emo phases are higher than not XD so far all of the kids that I have close enough contact with have gone through at least one.

"if you don't like it, leave"

I think being told this (in as many words or otherwise) just kind of makes people feel rejected which feels bad and feeling bad is something to be avoided at any and all cost and anyone who makes you feel bad is a bad person or something to that effect.

Also there is an unsurprisingly startling amount of people who seem very convinced that things that they don't like should just be changed into something that they do like otherwise it's terribly, horribly unfair and they're being oppressed.

Mostly in the case of hive but probably could be stretched out to other things, your last paragraph makes a lot of sense too.


I never had an Emo phase... thankfully!

Yeah, it is the feeling of rejection, that people don't care if you are here or not, but that is actually not the case for the most part, it is the perception of the case. I don't want people to feel like they are forced to be here, that they have to suffer, because they don't - they have the power and personal responsibility to walk away.

What is funny on Hive is, people can build for themselves - yet how many do?

A likely story ;D

I don't think there's the right types of building tools/foundations for everyone just yet.