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RE: Behind the Monster of Disco and the Other Monsters

in Self Improvement • 2 months ago


Feels like we are both in super reflective mode. It’s good to see. Also glad you are socializing a lot more these days, and there are good people to connect with!

I think what a lot of my country friends get wrong about my city life is that I actually reflect a lot. My mind is busy when it’s busy and then it’s really calm when it’s not, and I have a good habit of processing my emotions and working on them, even if it’s not common practice.


Feels like we are both in super reflective mode. It’s good to see.

I usually am. It's a common setting for me.
I am also in social mode
and, once again, in creative mode. More on the latter in yesterday's post, where I share about another book project that I have started ( to work on besides 'The Monster of Disco' ).