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RE: May I have some more?

I personally don't think it has anything to do about body shaming..

I think people should start getting a backbone and face the situations that we need to face instead of throwing sugar over everything... We need people to be blunt again. And harshly blunt. People need to hear what they need to hear... If you fucked up, well you fucked up.. Take the hits and learn from them..

But society now a days, you see the kid gets left alone to do what they please... The parents who aren't watching over her or rather who didn't watch over her was probably obese themselves. Therefor there must have been a lack of care and a lack of interest. Which I believe the parents should be blamed for.


I think people should start getting a backbone and face the situations that we need to face instead of throwing sugar over everything...

Yes, I agree with this. Real issues first, not the cultural lifestyle issues that so many seem to focus their attention on.