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RE: Life is all about Taking Sharp Corners

in Self Improvement2 years ago

I appreciate your dropping by my composed rants :)

Your grandma sounds like a light when it gets dark. And so I will keep trying.

It is sad to see our resourceful Africa unable to feed her children. Can you imagine how different it would be if they were inclusive in sharing access to them? Greed can never let that happen though.

Thank you so much for your love and encouraging words. I feel seen ☀️


I am glad that my comments arrive at your door so gracefully.

Many times I have thought about giving back in my ways, making compost from things people throw away, growing food for those who are hungry. Mother earth provides so much here in Africa. But then I hear stories of people being intimidated or locked up because they grow food for free to give to the poor. It saddens me that in Africa we can turn on each other like this. We can do so much, because the land gives so much. I am working and doing my part in trying to make this world a better place.

What do they say, a thousand page novel starts with one word, a 100 km race starts with one step. Maybe changing the broken system begins by helping one person see that the system is broken to fight the fight with you.

Sorry for the ranting on your comment.

May we find peace in this strange world. Be safe.