Best Drug Cartel Movies Ever

It's interesting that there are various genre of movies to watch and we simply just can't stick to one type of movies but rather to explore those that are intriguing and captivating. I recall when I was about 15 years to 16 years old, the drug cartel movie that caught my attention was a related to Pablo Escobar, too bad I didn't check for the name as I can't even recall it but it got my attention that I couldn't think of any other movie to watch. I know it's a long time that my interest for drug movies hightened and it wasn't until now I watched a lot of drug movies and know that they are a real deal.

Truly, the thing about drug movies is the lessons that they teach and of course when one can't learn a thing or two from a movie what's the essence and it does matter what the lesson is so long that they are lessons to learn. For me drug cartel movies teach about owing up to your words and actions and be ready for the repercussions that comes from failure to hold your ground. Trust and loyalty is another basic necessity that can't be taken lightly because you can't tell where the heart and mind of an individual lies. There has to be continuous check on who's aboard and whose not aboard as loyalty shifts so fastly.
Without further ado, let's take a dive to the best drug cartel movies ever. The movies are being mentioned in random and in no particular other, saying this is start with the series I just concluded two days ago..


  • Queen Of The South

Predicting what would happen in a movie is just an unconscious action that happens and I'd say, predicting what happens next is absolutely mind-blowing because you get your predictions but there's a big but that changes every speculation.
The movie started with the end and watching such movies is always thrilling as I had to watch 5 season containing 12 episodes except the last season which has 10 episodes before knowing what really went down.
As the name implies, Queen Of the South, it's a feminine movies as Teresa Mendoza was the lead actor showing us the importance of always thinking ahead and that violence doesn't resolve all issues. I really haven't seen any resolution of criminals in an amicable way.

  • Breaking Bad

Ah! This was a drug movie that changed my perspective tremendously and I watched at a very late time but I must say this is a must watch movie for everyone because it encompasses family. Family is the main deal and family is what made a family man who was just a chemistry teacher become a kingpin, gaining popularity in the streets and losing his family for a good intention. The truth is that creating anything illegal means doing it by an illegal means.

  • Better Call Saul

My friend and I watched Breaking Bad first and when we were done we were seeking another movie to watch in which Better Call Saul was found. I tell this was the most boring series I had seen, I mean the first five episodes were really boring that I stopped seeing it until interest came again. Before watching Breaking Bad, you need to watch Better Call Saul, Saul was a lawyer in Breaking Bad for the drug cartel and is really good at his job. One thing is certain, you have to know yourself do that you can align with your true calling, for Saul, it is deception to winning the a case no matter the crime committed.

  • Snowfall

This is a groundbreaking movie showing that the puts the CIA above all illegal dealings and once the Federal Government has your back there's nothing that can go wrong except they take their hands off your back.
You should really see what ambition can get you when the willingness to change ones standard of life and that what was Cranky showed without losing faith. There's enough mixed reactions here.

  • Ozark

This is just like Breaking Bad that involves family although Ozark had it wrapped between the father, mother and children. One thing they have in common is seeking power and holding to prevent being killed because the drug business is either kill or be killed, it's better to be the predator than the prey. This would surely keep ones eye glued to the television because there's enough that would be shown.

  • Narcos Mexico

The real deal is moving and taking several territory and taking several territory means having more eyes. The DEA had a very big crackdown here especially after the death of an agent and when the agency is on you, there's no escaping what is coming next.

Thanks for visiting my blog till next time.