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RE: (Re)watching 1980s Comedies for some much needed laughter and political incorrectness

The 1980s they tried all kinds of movies. There were blockbusters and flops.
Unlike today where they just remake shit.

Have you watched Canonball Run?
It is some good humor with a lot of good actors

This opening will get your blood pumping.

Another good comedy, with REALLY good actors is
Ruthless People.
Where you can watch a big little actor convince you he's crying.

UHF is really my kind of humor

"Hey J.P."...........


The 1980s they tried all kinds of movies. There were blockbusters and flops.
Unlike today where they just remake shit.

That about summarizes it haha!

I am pretty sure I've watched Cannonball Run but it's a long time ago and I've probably watched about 5000 movies so I remember little of it.

I might give it ( another ) watch tonight.

Cheers for the recommendation!

P.S. I do remember enjoying Ruthless People and Danny de Vito, back in the days.

"I've been kidnapped by K-mart sniff craaaiiii"