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RE: REVIEW: Black Widow (2021): Is anyone else burned out on superheroes?

in Movies & TV Shows3 years ago

I believe that what makes this movie not as enjoyable as other Avengers productions is that this superhero doesn't really have any real superpower. She is an extremely good fighter and is generally very skilled, but she doesn't have powers. The lack of superpowers makes these stories less enjoyable than otherwise. I thought the same after watching the series with Falcon and the Winter Soldier.


I haven't watched the Falcon and the Winter Soldier as of yet. I'm so behind and I'm not really sure if I want to honestly but I have heard good things.

You're right about the lack of super powers. That one scene where she's leaping off stuff in the sky seems to tell me something different. Maybe it's all that super spy training she had.

I wonder if they plan on doing a sequel to this one? I haven't looked at the returns yet and I know I hold the minority opinion on this film.