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RE: Teachings of Avatar #1

The last Airbender was absolutely my favorite show. It was playing on Disney, yet because of work I had to wait to get it via Netflix home delivery. Then I would lend the DVDs to my buddy who would make a bootleg copy for me lol. Now I own both series in one pack.

Angs story isn't like the typical anime. In Naruto he has a fierce confidence in himself. Where ang didn't want to be the avatar. He just wanted to live and enjoy his friends. Naruto had something to prove, and he chose that life. Yet ang had it thrusted upon him. Ang had a humble spirit. Naruto had a fierce spirit, yet he found his story helped him relate to others.

It really was a great story. !LUV the idea of a series reflecting on this series. Sounds like a good source of quality reading while being !ALIVE, eating a slice of !PIZZA, and maybe drinking a !BEER