I LIKE TO WATCH #30 - My Dinner with Herve

If you're from a certain generation, you might remember the twin series of Love Boat and Fantasy Island. In the late 70's and early 80's they dominated their time slots, and the mindshare of TV viewers. One of the stars of the latter will forever be immortalized by the phrase: "The plane!, The plane!" That man was Herve Villechaize.

Born a little person, young Herve lived through a life of troubles, but never let go of his dream to become a star. From his early struggles in film onward to his breakthrough in the 1974 Bond movie: The Man with the Golden Gun, where the world got a sneak peek of the global phenomenom he would become in just a few short years.

A day in the life...

In the movie My Dinner with Herve, Peter Dinklage from Game of Thrones fame, plays the diminutive Herve who spends a fascinating few days giving what would eventually become his last interview.

Journalist Sacha Gervasi (played by Jamie Dornan), would take on what was conceived as a cute little human-interest story, but ended up becoming much, much more.

We learn that Herve was very much a ladies man who always carried a knife around with him. I didn't really know what to expect from this project, but wound up viewing a timely take on such a complex man.

My Dinner with Herve is a slow burn, but once you start watching it, you won't want to stop. Give it time, and if you stay with it, you'll be glad you did. One thing I learned is that it gave us a fuller understanding of the forces that led this amazing man to such a tragic end. Despite his size, Herve Villechaize will always remain, larger than life.

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