LUCK / Flim review📷🎬

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago

Hello hivers, this is my first time of writing in this community.
I love watching movies at my spare time and their mostly Action, I rarely watch love movies asides Korean, anime and horror.
I first movie review is LUCK
I am looking foward on waiting here more often. Have gone through the community's post to see how the review is done. I hope my review is worth reading. Thanks.


  • The movie was released this year (2022).
  • The movie is produced by sky dance Animations, an Apple original films.
  • The movie is written by Peggy Holmes, produced by David Ellision, Dana Goldberg, David Eisenamnn
  • The genre of the movie is fantasy, comedy and adventures

🎦 Sam always finds herself in the most unlucky situations as possible, and wasn't adopted from the orphanage like other children and the rest of it.
She met Hazel who is brought to the same adoption center, Sam is asked to move out since she's up to eighteen, her friend asks her for a goodluck penny she promises her she would get one.
She was going to miss her so much.

🎦Sam moves out still encountering different kinds of badluck, her flat tires, the toast jam side down, her keys down the sewer, her destruction at work, being hard to find the same pair of socks

🎦 Fortunately for her she made a cat friend that loses his travel penny after sharing her meal with him.

She had no idea it was a lucky penny till the next morning when everything in her life went so perfectly, the penny fell from her pocket and she realized what she had, she called in for Hazel to stop by after work but flushes the penny down the toilet after work so it was impossible it get it to her.

🎦 She went back to the spot where she found the previous one but met the cat instead, she complained about her misfortune and of how she flushed the penny down the toilet, the cat out of shock responded, he wasn't supposed to talk in front of humans he remembers. She follows him hoping she could get another, the cat on the other hand was doomed he had nothing to turn in during the line cat return. He thought he lost her after how many minutes of chase, opens his portal to his world and she follows him to the land of luck

🎦Here her adventures began.
Since the bob(the cat) had nothing to turn in she made a deal with him, but he had to turn in her button for the main time and also distract
She gets into the penny depot get one penny for her friend and the penny is all his forever.
She had to disguise as a leprechaun from latvia only the leprechaun are allowed in the depot. She made use of his assistant clothes Gerry

🎦 She starts her adventure in the land of luck even though her bad luck still follows her around, their effort to get the penny from the depot was futile, there she met Bob's friend Gerry, the had another plan using the drone to retrieve it from the human world, But the have to get to the luck floor, there she saw the magical creatures responsible for luck including The dragon, she sniffs out badluck no matter where it is.

🎦Their mission to retrieve the drone was successful to a point, the drone made it back but was later sent to the in between, the had to go there for retrieving. Sam clicked the badluck button in the elevator instead of in between, which made her adventure what badluck world felt like, but she had to find her way back to goodluck portal

🎦 The both met at the in between again, there she met the dragon's lover they got seprated because he worked at the badluck randomizer.The dragon doesn't want a sniff of bad luck

🎦The goodluck world got destroyed by Sam when she stopped the randomizer from disturbing bad luck so Hazel could get her forever family .Long story cut short she help fix goodluck world from the Crystal the people from bad luck kept.
For some reasons the dragon wanted only good luck being sent to the world no more badluck, but Sam convinced her it was the both that brought them this far

🎦She kept her promise to both Bob and Hazel, she made Hazel have her forever family and Bob wasn't banished to badluck, she united the portal after the destruction, badluck and goodluck lived in harmony.
Bob and Hazel became her forever family .
The lived together knowing every badluck has it's own story to tell

🎦The message of the movie is that everything happens for a reason both bad and good, most of the bad made us what we are so did the good


Yeah you really have to, is damn interesting🤗