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RE: [ENG/ESP] Review - Avengers: Age of Ultron

I can't give much of an opinion on the Marvel Universe, as I may unleash the fury of the fans hahahahaha. I remember finding it entertaining, but not a marvel. A lot of times when I share my opinion with Marvel fans, they start coming out with things about the comics that I don't know. I only watch the movies, which are made not only for comic book readers. Greetings.


Hahahahahaha I understand, blind Marvel fans can be really upsetting. I understand and I'm agree, it's an entertaining movie and that's ok, and also you're right about the things related to the comic books; in the end these movies are based on those comics and not a frame-by-frame adaptation, the script takes this and that from the comics and tries to build something similar that works for everyone and not just for die-hard comic fans.