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RE: Dahmer, la nueva tendencia en Netflix // Dahmer, the new trend on Netflix [Concurso - Contest]

I do not understand so much controversy in social networks about the history of the series. this generation woke up yesterday from a state of hibernation? Movies and series about serial killers and based on real events have been made many. This one is massified because netflix broadcasts it, but there are thousands of movies and series about this kind of killers.

The controversy about respecting the victims seems absurd to me, art, literature, cinema, television take things from real life to tell stories. If we listen to the crystal generation, no films can be made about any war, because there are victims there too. No more books, no more movies about real events, because there are always victims. Let's make only productions like the teletubbies, that's what those who criticize all kinds of art look like.

The mini-series never disrespects the victims. We have to tell these stories with crudeness, so that the world can see the dark side of the human being and what these monsters are capable of doing. Those who criticize that Netflix makes money, well if it's not Netflix it's another company, this is capitalism, I love capitalism , those who criticize that seem to be communists.


En cierta parte tienes razón, pero no todos pueden interpretar esta serie así. Yo amo el arte, el arte crudo, como le llamas, y sí, no se pueden dejar de hacer películas series y libros sobre estas cosas, si no es Netflix será otro, pero incluso en otras películas no se muestra tan gráficamente lo que está sucediendo que sabemos fueron con personas reales, no culpo a nadie de sensible por sentirse incómodo por estas escenas. 🤷