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RE: Movies & TV Shows Community Highlight #333

in Movies & TV Shows β€’ 2 years ago

Hi. @nara61 I review your blog? o.k.😊 Looking at some of your recent posts in various communities, I see that your posts are very short. Although in this community we don't require a minimum word count, we do select on highlight posts that show effort in analyzing and opining on a movie or series. Most of your posts in other communities are also very short ( 300 words) There are some communities that require a minimum word count. I recommend you read the rules of each community. I think that's the part you need to improve on your blog. Another of my recommendations is that you keep the engagement with the communities where you publish, interacting with other users, reading and commenting the posts of other users, that will help you to make your blog known and gain readers. But the first suggestion is imperative. check out the highlights posts to get an idea. 😊

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You are right, many times the signal is lousy, but no excuses, thanks for answering my question very kind of you, grateful 😱😱.