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RE: Death Note – The Power to Extirpate Evil | Anime Review [En - Es]

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago (edited)

When I was a kid I watched a lot of anime, lately when I have some time I try to catch up with some of them. I didn't watch this one in its entirety, just a couple of the first few episodes, I'll have to watch it again. I did know a while back about a live action version that I didn't get to see and I don't know if it was fan pleasing.

The anime I saw recently premiered on Netflix Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, I recommend it. By the way, that platform announced that it will put in its catalog several productions of this genre and there is one I want to see, it's called Monster, have you seen it?

Cuando era niño yo vi muchos anime, últimamente cuando saco algo de tiempo intento ponerme al día con algunos. Este no lo vi completo, solo par de primeros episodios debo retomarlo. Si supe hace un tiempo de una versión de live action que no pude ver y no se si fue del agrado de los fan.

El anime que vi recientemente fue el estrenado en Netflix Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, te lo recomiendo. por cierto esa plataforma anuncio que va a meter en su catalogo varios producciones de este genero y hay una que quiero ver , se llama Monster ¿la has visto?


I'm currently not that fluent with anime, but with manga and webtoon I'm more entertained and I watch them faster hahahaha. Although I have my sights set on some... This anime for me is one of the best, its concept as well as the composition of the story itself, you should pick it up, it's a little long but it's really worth it.

I've seen the trailer for Cyberpunk: Edgerunners on my Netflix account, but let's see if I watch it, I want to finish some series I have paused. Monster, I think I only got to chapter 1 and didn't finish watching it.

Yo actualmente no soy tan fluido con animes, pero si con mangas y webtoon me entretienen mas y los veo mas rápido jajajaja. Aunque tengo en la mira algunos... Este anime para mí es uno de los mejores, su concepto como también la misma composición de la historia, deberías retomarlo, es un poquito largo pero vale realmente la pena.

He visto el trailer de Cyberpunk: Edgerunners en mi cuenta en Netflix, pero vamos a ver si lo veo quiero terminar unas series que tengo pausadas. Monster, creo que sólo llegué al capitulo 1 y no lo culmine de ver.